
Designing and Developing the Best Supplement Brand Website

Build the Best Supplement Brand Website - How to Design and Develop your online store with your branding strategy and identity in mind.

Granted, When Charles R. Swindoll mentioned that “first impressions rarely have a second chance", he probably didn't have your supplement website design in mind. However, in 2022 your virtual presence is as important as your physical, so the quote very well applies to your brand identity as well.

If you take into consideration that 48% of users believe website design is the #1 factor when judging a business’s credibility and 94% of users create their first impression of a website based on web design alone, you’ll quickly understand why every web developer out there is putting so much emphasis on designing and developing the best supplement brand websites with UX/UI in mind.

Supplement and vitamin branding and web design, in particular, come with additional challenges. It’s all about communicating the true value of the products without simply relying on a few aesthetically pleasing images. The core information should be accurate, easily accessible, and presented in a way that educates and grabs the attention of new and returning customers (you know, the 38% of visitors who will stop browsing a website if the layout is unattractive).

A successful supplement website design begins with a well-crafted brand strategy

Supplement Brand Strategy Agency

We previously mentioned all the ways you can differentiate your supplement brand in an oversaturated market, but let’s be honest; even the most skillfully and beautifully created supplement website design won’t be enough to help your brand run on autopilot and get those coveted new leads with minimum effort. Not unless you have a fantastic brand strategy tailored to your unique, specific goals.

Obviously, the main goal of a supplement brand strategy is to let the world know that your brand exists, serves a specific purpose and it’s vastly different from all competitors. Let’s not forget that companies with poor branding end up having to pay 10% higher salaries. No wonder why 84% of marketers say that brand awareness is the most important goal.

So before you start working on your supplement and vitamin branding and maybe take advantage of the top supplement packaging trends of 2022, let’s establish a few key reasons why customers should pay attention to your company:

  • What are the objectives of your supplement brand and how do you communicate them?
  • What are your mission and values?
  • What specific problems will your supplement brand solve and how it will benefit the customers in the long run?
  • Who are your ideal customers? What’s their persona?
  • What are your competitors up to? Are there other supplement brands that cater to the needs of your ideal customers? If so, what’s their way?
  • How will you make potential customers engage with your brand? What’s your brand voice and personality? Will this specific voice attract the right customer base?

These few simple, yet utterly important questions will give you a pretty good idea of how to communicate your brand and attract the right customers who simply need what you have to offer. It’s all about establishing your point of difference.

Your website design supplement product photos should complement each other

Supplement Brand Product Photography Natural Supplement by Hilma

When it comes to vitamin supplement branding, all visual aspects should be striking, aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, able to convert. This includes your supplement product photos. While many people are ready to kick start the photography process, it will be best to tailor your imagery to your supplement website design.

The end goal is to have a cohesive overall image, and thus great compositions specifically made for the website design are preferred. Businesses need to make sure that their product images are not only accurate but also able to represent the aesthetic and identity of the brand without cluttering the website.

For example, if your supplement brand identity is fun and uplifting with a very friendly personality and voice, then your supplement packaging design and images' color palette across all platforms should reflect that.

Keep in mind that 78% of online shoppers want photographs to “bring products to life” and 75% of online shoppers rely on product photos when deciding on a potential purchase.

Choose the most suitable CMS platform to build and develop your supplement website

While there are many CMS options, Shopify and WordPress are the top two picks - followed by other platforms like Webflow and Squarespace. No matter your platform of choice, it definitely has an array of ready-to-use themes, numerous eCommerce-focused plugins, and opportunities for more custom setups to make the layout way more personal.

It would be best to have a discussion with your internal team or with the website design professionals you’d like to partner with in order to bright your vision to life. Your supplement website design will be a reflection of your brand, and it will directly impact your sales and the overall user experience of your customers. Web developers have the ability to make stylistic choices to enhance the functionality and look of your supplement brand website, so make sure to find the right partner for the project.

Consider the user experience, interfaces, and navigation of your website design

UX for supplement website design

Seems like every web developer out there is raving about the importance of UX/UI-focused design, but why? Your supplement brand website design requires a great structure to offer customers a smooth purchase experience. We previously went over the basics of eCommerce Website Structure.

The end goal of a functional website is to fulfill the user's needs as much as possible. This way, you can define the customer journey, increase retention and inspire them to keep browsing.

A striking User Interface (UI) design can “predict” what customers might want/need to do and ensures that all elements are ready-to-use, easy to access, and tailored to meet their needs. Consider it as a that all elements are ready-to-use, easy to access, and tailored to meet their needs. Consider it as a blend of interaction design, visual design, and information architecture.

There are numerous ways you can achieve a great UX/UI experience. Supplement brands can either create a custom design, work with a theme or build on top of a theme with custom code.

Your supplement website design should be functional and aesthetically pleasing

The average user needs only 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about a website, so both functionality and aesthetics play huge parts in your supplement brand’s success. Remember, a band strategy or the lack of an actionable plan can make or break your business. Whether you decide to create a custom supplement website design or work with a pre-made theme, make sure to tailor your layout accordingly to meet (and exceed) customers’ expectations and translate your values the best way possible.